Monday, November 07, 2005

Eat The Right Foods For Great Sex

Sex Expert Dr. Laura Berman recently wrote about the importance of food for a healthy sex life. Food as an aphrodisiac can both set the mood for sex and healthy food can increase your libido.

Dr. Berman points out what we probably already know but need to hear: junk food makes the body feel sluggish. Simple carbohydrate foods drop you into slow gear. "Eating frequent, nutritious meals is the best way to support your libido. It matters for keeping your body fit and your mind lively," says Dr. Berman.

The doctor suggests four changes for better sexual health. Whole grains instead of refined white flour bread and crackers; more good fats (raw nuts, avocados, olive oil); reduce bad fats (butter, frosting, gravy), and eat smaller quantities of food every three hours.

Chocolate, she points out, was recently found to trigger the same brain chemicals as an orgasm, so chocolate can be a good aphrodisiac.

Eating sensuous food off your partner’s body can be very arousing. Some fun foods for month to body fun include: chocolate, strawberries, and honey.

Foods to keep in moderation include: alcohol, nicotine and coffee, which can be taste spoilers.

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